In Parc-Extension, 43.3% of the population is allophone (Statistics Canada, 2017). Sports and leisure are supporting tools to allow children to speak French outside of school. All activities are in French and immerse children in a playful and diverse environment. They have the opportunity to acquire vocabulary linked to the topic :
Too old for camp but don't want to stay inside this summer looking at screens? At PEYO, more than 40 teenagers volunteer every day at summer camp.
Thanks to our partnership with Encore!Sistema, we have offered since January 2019 an extracurricular program of violin and cellos as well as percussions.
teenagers from the neighbourhood are part of our Assistant Counsellor program and are involved in their community all summer.
of our Assistant Counsellors report feeling more confident and having greater self-esteem
of our Assistant Counsellors feel better equipped to integrate the work market
Park-Extension is characterized by a lack of green spaces and big families living in small spaces. There are few spaces dedicated for kids to meet up and few available resources to get sports equipment. To counter this, PEYO offers several sports activities to encourage kids to move!
SLAP-PX is an ice hockey development program for kids between 5 and 13. It focuses on learning and becoming comfortable on the ice in a structured and entertaining environment. Volunteer coaches and parents supervise the program.
Sports programs have several benefits for kids: self-esteem improvement, identification to role models (counsellors and coaches) and less time in front of screens. They bring benefits necessary for good physical and mental health and help create social links. Our activities aim to develop a sense of camaraderie amongst children. These values and benefits were at the center of the organization’s founders’ vision and are still respected by the team’s current members.
Students go through complete culinary training to help them realize their professional projects and acquire the experience needed.
Arts et Contes is a specialized prevention program inspired by art therapy techniques in and outside of schools. The program reaches at least 150 children and 50 parents every year through workshops and conferences.
Currently under development, PEYO will open a community-based social pediatrics center in Park Extension to meet the community's needs for child health and development. This project is being led with the support of the Dr. Julien Foundation.
The community cafeteria offers delicious complete meals including soup, a salad, a main course, a juice and a dessert.
The Meals on Wheels program offers warm, nutritious and balanced meals from Monday to Friday.
En complément au camp “Les Explorateurs de Parc Extension”, PEYO introduira dès juin 2021, “EXPLO-ADO 2021” qui accueillera désormais les jeunes de 6 à 15 ans.
Notre camp de jour “les Explorateurs de Parc Extension” accueille chaque été et durant la relâche scolaire, plus de 300 jeunes de 6 à 12 ans. Grâce à ses diverses activités ludiques et informelles et à son cadre sécuritaire et structuré, le camp permet aux jeunes de bouger et de s’amuser mais aussi de se créer de nouvelles amitiés, de développer leur intelligence émotionnelle et d’augmenter leur autonomie et confiance en soi.
Le camp est une collaboration de PEYO et de la Corporation de gestion des loisirs du parc, qui bénéficie du soutien financier de la Ville de Montréal et de Service Canada dans le cadre d’Emploi Été Canada.
Tu as le goût de passer ton été en plein air avec tes amis? Devenir Explorateur de Parc-Extension est la meilleure façon de vivre un été rempli de rebondissements et d’activités hors de l’ordinaire.
Camp hours
(6 to 12 years old) : 9:30 am to 3:30 pm
(6 to 12 years old) : 7:00 am to 9:30 am and 1:30 pm to 6 pm
Explo-Ado hours
(13 to 15 years old) : 11 am to 4 pm
(daycare not available)
Activités sportives, culturelles, artistiques, scientifiques et récré-touristique.
Our day camp, “Les Explorateurs de Parc-Extension”, welcomes more than 300 kids between 6 and 15 years old during summer and spring break. Thanks to its range of playful activities and secure and structured environment, the camp helps children move, have fun, create new friendships, develop their emotional intelligence and improve their autonomy and self-confidence.
Camp is a collaboration between PEYO and Corporation des Loisirs Du Parc, that benefits from the financial support from Ville de Montréal and Canada Summer Job.
Too old for camp but don’t want to stay inside this summer looking at screens? At PEYO, more than 40 teenagers volunteer every day at summer camp. Assistant Counsellors follow a training based on Diplôme d’Aptitude aux Fonctions d’Animateurs (DAFA) to learn how to lead groups safely and fill their day with engaging activities. Assistant Counsellors follow camp groups and help camp counsellors in their daily tasks. Our assistants are often teenagers who used to attend camp as children and are looking forward to joining our team in the future.
Positive impacts!
The Assistant Counsellor program allows teenagers from any background to join a welcoming team. They will also acquire fundamental skills that will help them become active members of their community.
40 Teenagers from the neighbourhood are part of our Assistant Counsellor program and are involved in their community all summer.
86% of our Assistant Counsellors report feeling more confident and having greater self-esteem
83% of our Assistant Counsellors feel better equipped to integrate the work market
Thanks to our partnership with Encore!Sistema, we have offered since January 2019 an extracurricular program of violin and cellos as well as percussions. The program includes free access to lessons, instruments and snacks for attendees. The program’s goal is to offer musical learning in a structured environment that allows for social development, group learning, peer learning and a link to the community.
SLAP-PX is an ice hockey development program for kids between 5 and 13. It focuses on learning and becoming comfortable on the ice in a structured and entertaining environment. Volunteer coaches and parents supervise the program.
The program welcomes every year around thirty kids and allows them to develop fundamental hockey skills and maybe even play a few games!
For PEYO, this program is an integration tool for newly arrived families. It makes hockey accessible to disadvantaged and multicultural families in Park-Extension for an affordable fee.
Les cours de cricket sont donnés à près de 40 jeunes chaque année. C’est un sport bien connu des communautés du quartier qui facilite l’intégration et les rencontres interculturelles.
Cricket lessons are given to forty kids every year. It is a well-known sport by the neighbourhood’s communities and facilitates integration and multicultural encounters.
Téléphone: 514-278-7396
Lundi à Vendredi: 9H00 – 17H00
Samedi à Dimanche: Fermé
Founded in 2007, the X-Art Space is a safe and multipurpose space where young adults can socialize with their peers while participating in projects and activities tailored for them. The space also allows marginalized young people to break the isolation. Its vocation is to be a reference place for youth looking for resources. We aim to help them achieve their personal and professional projects and improve their socio-cultural and economic well-being. X-Art is a project of social integration to bring youth towards the job market thanks to training and pre-employability workshops.
X-Art is a dance studio, a sound creation studio, a place to hang out and talk, access the internet and complete DIY projects.
Exploration des Compétences
Focus on acquiring new skills through workshops, training and internships in professional settings.
Jeunes Leaders en Action
Become an actor of change and a source of inspiration in your social environment through sharing knowledge with peers and developing social entrepreneurship projects.
À la découverte des régions
Go on a short annual trip to discover one of Québec’s regions and its possibilities.
Summer cinema park (in collaboration with La Maison De La Culture)
Gather to watch a movie with your Parc-Extension neighbours in the park.
“Exploration des Compétences” is a learning program and internship offered to Parc-Extension residents. Students go through complete culinary training to help them realize their professional projects and acquire the experience needed.
Arts et Contes is a specialized prevention program inspired by art therapy techniques in and outside of schools. Thanks to tales, drawing, writing, and dramatic play, our program favours the adaptation and integration of immigrant children, refugees or children born from immigrant parents. It is essential to underline the positive impact of this type of intervention in Welcome Classes and children with learning difficulties. The program reaches at least 150 children and 50 parents every year through workshops and conferences.
Téléphone: 514-278-7396
Lundi à Vendredi: 9H00 – 17H00
Samedi à Dimanche: Fermé
Currently under development, PEYO will open a community-based social pediatrics center in Park Extension to meet the community’s needs for child health and development. This project is being led with the support of the Dr. Julien Foundation.
Community-based social pediatrics is a healthcare model that aims to meet the needs of children and their families by offering health and support services tailored to their environments. This healthcare model focuses on prevention and early intervention to help children reach their full potential. Community-based social pediatrics involves close collaboration between healthcare professionals, social workers, and community members to offer comprehensive and personalized healthcare services.
The Park Extension Social Pediatrics Center aims to become the point of reference for children in the neighbourhood who are living with sources of toxic stress that are detrimental to their development. The center will offer medical assessments and refer the child and their family to necessary resources to reduce or completely eliminate the negative impact on their daily lives. The center will offer medical assessments, psychosocial follow-up, and access to art therapy, psychomotricity workshops, and summer camp through other departments of PEYO. Through its partners, access to legal aid and extracurricular, sports, artistic, and cultural programs will also be provided.
We would like to emphasize that our social pediatrics center will be designed in the image of the Parc-Extension community and will offer services adapted to the needs of the local population. We are committed to creating a welcoming and inclusive environment where children and their families feel comfortable and supported. More than just a clinic, it will be a welcoming and supportive place for families, regardless of their migratory status or life path. The good health of a child and their family does not stop at the medical aspect. The team on-site will listen to children and their families and guide them toward the necessary resources to improve their quality of life and reduce sources of toxic stress.
We hope that our project will contribute to improving the health and well-being of the children of Park Extension and their families. We look forward to welcoming you to our social pediatrics center and offering you quality health and support services to help you thrive.
If you would like to contribute to this project or if you have any questions, please contact us at
Téléphone: 514-278-7396
Lundi à Vendredi: 9H00 – 17H00
Samedi à Dimanche: Fermé
The community cafeteria offers delicious complete meals including soup, a salad, a main course, a juice and a dessert. The lunch meal is provided at an affordable price to be accessible to people with a limited budget and for people who cannot cook for themselves. The cafeteria serves around 100 meals a day. Around lunchtime, the dining room is a gathering place for children, elders, students and people working in the neighbourhood. It is open Monday to Friday between 11:30 and 13:00.
Téléphone: 514-278-7396
Lundi à Vendredi: 9H00 – 17H00
Samedi à Dimanche: Fermé
PEYO, Association du Troisième Âge Filia and Parc-Extension’s CLSC have been collaborating for a few years in a project of meal delivery to isolated elders in the neighbourhood. The Meals on Wheels program offers warm, nutritious and balanced meals from Monday to Friday. Our teams and volunteers are proud to participate in this project that supports food security for elders and people with a loss of autonomy. These daily deliveries are an additional supervision tool for nurses and social workers from the CLSC and allow elder to keep a social link.
Téléphone: 514-278-7396
Lundi à Vendredi: 9H00 – 17H00
Samedi à Dimanche: Fermé
Our catering services are offered everywhere on Montreal Island and represent a source of income for our other programs while providing a quality service at a reasonable price. We offer various menu options for your events depending on the number of persons. Please get in touch with us to know more about it!
Téléphone: 514-278-7396
Lundi à Vendredi: 9H00 – 17H00
Samedi à Dimanche: Fermé